Are You Properly Covered?
Life, Health, Dental Insurances.

Using the DIME method, you can easily know if you are overly or underly insured.

D- for Debts & Funeral Expense

I- Income (your yearly income multiplied by the number of years your youngest child would need your income for)

M- Mortgage (mortgage balance)

E- Educational and Child care expenses per child multiplied by the number of years they are needed

Whatever number you get, deduct from it your current insurance coverage. 

That’s how you know if you are properly covered.

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Individual & Umbrella Policies

Life Insurance

Protecting your loved ones by protecting your income demonstrates how you love and care for them.

Health & Dental

Especially for self-employed, without proper coverage would be too expensive. 

Critical Illness

Critical Illness insurance covers for health expense not covered by your provincial health benefits.

Put You & Your Family in Good Hands

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Canadian Insurance & Investment Hub is financial services portal that aims to educate Canadian consumers so that they can make informed decisions with their every dollar.

We are also looking for financial advisors who desire to grow their client base with us. With our competitive compensation plan and lucrative bonuses, every effort of our financial advisors to help Canadian families would be truly rewarded.